Tag Archives: Comic Books

Episode 697 is here: Titans 1 and Cyborg 1

Sean and Jim look at everything Titans with the brand new team book and Cyborg solo series being discussed, as the look at Dawn of DC continues.

The road to 700 continues!

Speeding Bullets : DC News and fun from the internet

Sean is a regular cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-movie-reviews/

Upcoming: Batman the Brave and the Bold, Catwoman, Vigil, City Boy, Wonder Woman, Unstoppable Doom Patrol, more Dawn of DC coverage, Knight Terrors, and announcements about episode 700.

Episode 700 Topic: Batman 66 Movie Watchalong!

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 4/16/23:

Facebook Group:


Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://cbldf.org/,http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

2:15 Titans

47:00 Cyborg

1:19:25 Speeding Bullets

1:35:15 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates.

Episode 696 is here: Green Lantern 1 and Spirit World 1

Sean and Jim explore the new Hal Jordan and John Stewart series Green Lantern and the new series Spirit World, as the look at Dawn of DC continues.

The road to 700 continues!

Speeding Bullets : Returns next week!

Sean is a regular cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-movie-reviews/

Upcoming: Cyborg, Titans, Vigil, City Boy, a look at the Bat books, Wonder Woman, Unstoppable Doom Patrol, more Dawn of DC coverage and announcements about episode 700.

Episode 700 Topic: Batman 66 Movie Watchalong!

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 4/16/23:

Facebook Group:


Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://cbldf.org/,http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

3:35 Green Lantern

34:25 Spirit World

59:15 Speeding Bullets

1:24:28 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates.

Episode 695: Green Arrow 1 and Shazam 1

Sean and Jim continue the look at Dawn of DC with the new Green Arrow and Shazam series.

The road to 700 continues!

Speeding Bullets : Returns next week!

Sean is a regular cohost on Is it Jaws? Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-movie-reviews/

Upcoming: Green Lantern, Spirit World, a look at the Bat books, Wonder Woman, Unstoppable Doom Patrol, more Dawn of DC coverage and announcements about episode 700.

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 4/16/23:

Facebook Group:


Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://cbldf.org/,http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

3:25 Green Arrow

28:45 Shazam

52:40 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates.

Episode 692 is here: Superboy Man of Tomorrow 1 and Adventures of Superman Jon Kent 2

Sean and Jim check in with the DC Round Robin Winner, Superboy Man of Tomorrow and the new mini Adventures of Superman Jon Kent.

The road to 700 begins!

Speeding Bullets : DC News, Wonder Woman 797, casual chat about Lararuz Planet : Revenge of the Gods, and much more!

Sean is a regular cohost on Is it Jaws? Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-movie-reviews/

Upcoming: Action Comics and Superman, Superman Lost and Green Arrow, a look at the Bat books, Wonder Woman

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 4/16/23:

Facebook Group:


Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://cbldf.org/,http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

3:15 Adventures of Superman Jon Kent

36:05 Superboy Man of Tomorrow

58:45 Speeding Bullets

1:54:55 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates.

Episode 691 is here: DC TV Update: Gotham Knights, The Flash, and Superman and Lois:

Sean and Jim catch up on Gotham Knights with Season 1 Episode 5, The Flash with Season 9 Episode 8, and Superman and Lois Season 3 Episode 5 in a spoilery segment fille with thoughts and impressions.

Speeding Bullets : returns next week

Listener Voicemail from Rasul.

Be sure to check out the Punchline and the Vaude-Villains Kickstarter (Shout it out on socials, please!)


Sean is going to be a regular cohost on Is it Jaws? Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-movie-reviews/

Upcoming: Superboy Man of Tomorrow, Adventures of Superman Jon Kent, Action Comics and Superman, Superman Lost and Green Arrow, a look at the Bat books, Wonder Woman

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 4/16/23:

Facebook Group:


Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://cbldf.org/,http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

4:00 DC TV (Note: There is a slight background hum in the first 15 minutes of this 2 hour segment that goes away)

2:03:15 Listener Voicemail

2:18:20 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates.

Episode 676 is here: Kal El Returns and Dark Crisis War Zone

Episode 676: Kal El Returns and Dark Crisis War Zone: Sean and Jim take a look at Kal El’s return to Earth in the Superman Kal El Returns Special. They also being a two part look at the wrap up to Dark Crisis beginning with a look at Dark Crisis War Zone.

Speeding Bullets: DC News and comic conversation

Upcoming: Dark Crisis Big Bang, Dark Crisis 7

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming):

Facebook Group:


Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://cbldf.org/,http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

2:50 Speeding Bullets

48:00 Kal El Returns

1:12:10 War Zone

1:38:30 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates.

Episode 664 is here: Batman vs Robin #1 and Dark Crisis Worlds Without a Justice League : Wonder Woman

Sean and Jim are check out Mark Waid’s Batman vs Robin initial entry. They also continue to check in with Worlds Without a Justice League Wonder Woman.

Speeding Bullets (Thank you to our Facebook Team!): DC News

Upcoming: Sgt. Rock vs The Army of the Dead, Tim Drake Robin 1, Action Comics, Deathstroke Inc, Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths 4, Batman 89 (Oct release)

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming):

Facebook Group:


Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://cbldf.org/,http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

2:10 Speeding Bullets

16:15 Batman vs Robin

56:05 Worlds Without a Justice League : Wonder Woman

1:18:50 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates.

Episode 197B is up: Raging Oscars Part 1 of 2

Episode 197b: Raging Oscars Episode Part 1 of 2. We chat about the Best of the Best from last year. We also explore the best issues from almost every title in the DCU in a very special 2 part episode.

This is very spoiler filled over a ton of releases in the 2009 calendar year. We are trying to cover it all.

Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com,  our ongoing contest (Ragingcontest@gmail.com), senseiofwhatnot@gmail.com, http://www.geturgeekonradio.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.  

8:00 Segment 1

1:50:10 Segment 2

2:53:45 Show Closing

We’ll be back in a few days our next episode.  Check Ragingbullets.com and the forum for regular updates.

Summit City Convention




David Baron’s Blog and Twitter for the contest



Aquaman??? I didn’t see this coming but I am excited.

I was browsing the Source this evening and came across this cover for Brightest Day.


I know this doesn’t necessarily mean a for sure return of Aquaman but Blackest Night reinvigorated me with the possibilities of his return. I am 100% behind more Mera storytelling. I was a huge fan of the Peter David run on Aquaman and really loved the character ever since. The Sub Diego stuff that introduced Aquagirl was good fun as well.

Atlantis is always an interesting place to read about because of the politics involved. This is a different nation with VERY different concerns from the surface world. This often leads to deep conflict over different ideologies. Combat is also quite different under water and there are some interesting chances to bring the vastness of the sea to life.  The fantasy style of the most recent version began to explore some of this.

Will this be the same Aquaman that had the hook hand? Will this be the Silver Age version? Will I know it is technically the same guy but what will still be considered part of his past?

Will Dolphin and Tempest also return?

If this preview is a hint at his possible return, it also makes me wonder what other characters that were Black Lantern’s might come back?

Jonah Hex 52

I love Jonah Hex. It’s edgy, gritty and always full of amazing art. This creative team crafts issue after issue of atmosphere and mood that feels like an old west movie. Yet, it manages to use modern storytelling sensibilities.

I often am amazed how a writing team can switch gears so drastically during the month. Power Girl is very upbeat and fun, while Hex has such a dark tone. Both are excellent offerings. I adore how easily Hex works in a larger arc or in the “done in one” format.

Issue 52 is a story full of lies and half truths. Most of these paint the picture of a world where such lies are necessary for survival. Hex turns up on the doorstep of a woman with a bullet wound. He doesn’t completely reveal how he got it. It turns out later we learn that a boy shot him while trying to rob him. Hex had to kill the boy to escape with his life.

This of course sends the family of killers after him. They are basically the “mob” of the swamp an no one in the area defies them for fear of repercussions.

Hex’s escape is very well put together. They are trailing him and he sends his horse running off to try and throw the men hunting him off his trail. They turn out to be too smart so he hides in the swamp, where there is a danger of gators getting him. “Too Mean to Die” is a great title for the issue because Hex takes down a Gator, even with his bullet wound and manages to survive the encounter.

This takes us back to the present, where the woman who rescues him realizes that the “mob” will come to her house now looking for him.  This forces her to kick Hex out a moment too late and she has to defend her child from the men.  Her lies are revealed as they turn out to be her family.

 Imagine if Hex had told her the truth about the boy? Would she have killed him? Would she have realized the boy was trying to rob him and let the man go? The old west was often a hard world and this creative team always delivers. If you aren’t reading Jonah Hex, pick it up. It’s really easy to jump on this book and it is well worth the ride. With the movie coming this summer, there has never been a better time to enjoy this great, well produced comic.

Sean “DrNorge” Whelan