Tag Archives: Scott Snyder

Season 2 Episode 30 is here : Absolute DC 2 of 2

Sean and Jim wrap up a two part look at the Absolute DC launch. We deep dive into Absolute Batman 1 and 2. 

Podcast Legacy Number 749

We are on Threads!


Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-movie-reviews/

Upcoming: Ultimate Spider-man First Arc

Future Topics : Batman Lonely Place of Dying, Miles Morales, Energon Universe, Conan, Spectacular Spider-Man, Miracleman, The Boys, Radiant Black, the Bat-man First Knight, Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars, Emperor Joker and much much more because we are in constant planning.

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 9/23:

Facebook Group:


Show Notes: 

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.orghttp://cbldf.org/,http://www.DCBService.comhttp://www.Instocktrades.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

3:05 Absolute DC Part 2

1:14:35 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates. 

Season 2 Episode 13 is here: Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine Part 2

We take a side step this episode to take the final of a two part look at the unique and special series from Scott Snyder and Jamal Igle, Dudley Datson and the Forever MachineScree.

Note: It is a Comixology Original so can be accessed Digitally. It is also being published in print by Dark Horse in single issues and trade format.



Podcast Legacy Number 735

We are on Threads!


Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-movie-reviews/

Upcoming: Superman House of Brainiac, Blood Hunt, Absolute Power

Future Topics : Batman Lonely Place of Dying, Upcoming X-men Relaunch, Summer events, Miles Morales, Ultimate Marvel, Miracleman, The Boys, Radiant Black, the Bat-man First Knight, Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars, Emperor Joker and much much more because we are in constant planning.

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 9/23:

Facebook Group:


Show Notes: 

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.orghttp://cbldf.org/,http://www.DCBService.comhttp://www.Instocktrades.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

3:30 Dudley Datson Part 2

1:25:40 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates. 

Season 2 Episode 12 is here: Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine Part 1

We take a side step this episode to take the first of a two part look at the unique and special series from Scott Snyder and Jamal Igle, Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine.

Note: It is a Comixology Original so can be accessed Digitally. It is also being published in print by Dark Horse in single issues and trade format.



Additional Note: Perdix does have further lore that was discovered post recording and we’ll discuss when relevant in part 2.



Podcast Legacy Number 734

We are on Threads!


Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-movie-reviews/

Upcoming: Superman House of Brainiac, Blood Hunt, Absolute Power

Future Topics : Batman Lonely Place of Dying, Upcoming X-men Relaunch, Summer events, Miles Morales, Ultimate Marvel, Miracleman, The Boys, Radiant Black, the Bat-man First Knight, Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars, Emperor Joker and much much more because we are in constant planning.

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 9/23:

Facebook Group:


Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://cbldf.org/,http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

3:20 Dudley Datson Part 1

1:11:35 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates.

Episode 397a: Superman 32 and Batman 32!

Episode 397a: Superman 32 and Batman 32!: The first of a two part episode. Sean and Jim discuss Superman 32 and Batman 32. We also check in with some listener voicemails on Batman and Son and August trade discussion announcement. The second part will be released later in the week.

The road to episode 400 continues!

Listener voicemails from Travis and Scott

Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://cbldf.org/,http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com,  http://dcinfinite.com, http://www.comicspodcasts.com/, http://comicbooknoise.com/league/, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.

Show contact info and web site: http://0nm.a46.mywebsitetransfer.com

3:36 comic chat

1:03:50 voicemails

1:34:47 Show Closing (Hawkman song by friends of the show “Wednesday Heroes”) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wednesday-Heroes/348734073083

We’ll be back next week with our next episode.  Check Ragingbullets.com, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates.

Episode 341: Special Report Batman Issue 17 Death of the Family Conclusion

Episode 341: Special Report Batman 17: Sean and Jim have a special minisode focusing on the end of Death of the Family! Note: Our Green Lantern special is delayed one week but it’s coming!

Listener voicemails from Brandon, Jack and Eli

Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com,  show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.

Show contact info and web site: http://0nm.a46.mywebsitetransfer.com

4:35 Batman 17

1:36:30 Show Closing (Hawkman song by friends of the show “Wednesday Heroes”) http://wednesdayheroes.com/wordpress/

We’ll be back next week with our next episode.  Check Ragingbullets.com and the forum for regular updates.

Kickstarters mentioned on the show



Episode 329 is here: Talon #0 and 1, #Batman 14, Sword of Sorcery #0 and 1, and Joe Kubert Presents #1

Episode 329: Joe Kubert, Batman, Amethyst, Talon and more: We look at Talon #0 and 1, #Batman 14, Sword of Sorcery #0 and 1, and Joe Kubert Presents #1. Also, we chat briefly about Heroclix and Arrow!

Listener Voicemail from Jack.

Check out the About Us section of the web site for contact info, Google + and Facebook links that are updated regularly.

Our Web Site: http://0nm.a46.mywebsitetransfer.com    Twitter: @RagingBullets

Show Notes:           

Sponsors: http://www.summitcitycomiccon.com, http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org,  our ongoing contest (Ragingcontest@gmail.com), senseiofwhatnot@gmail.com,  show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.

4:25 Listener voicemail, Heroclix and Arrow

32:20 Joe Kubert Presents 1

1:18:05 Talon 0,1 and Batman 14

2:24:55 Sword of Sorcery 0, 1

3:10:45 Show Closing : Hawkman by Wednesday Heroes http://wednesdayheroes.com/wordpress/

We’ll be back next week with our next episode.  Check Ragingbullets.com and the Facebook Group for regular updates.

Episode 325 is here: Arrow, Death of the Family, and a look at the Robins

Episode 325: Arrow, Death of the Family, and a look at the Robins: Jim and Sean discuss the first episode of the new series “Arrow”, Teen Titans #0, Red Hood and the Outlaws #0, Batman #13 and Batgirl #13 and more.

Listener Voicemails from Isaiah, Jack and Jason and gifts from Corey Moore

Check out the About Us section of the web site for contact info, Google + and Facebook links that are updated regularly.

Our Web Site: http://0nm.a46.mywebsitetransfer.com    Twitter: @RagingBullets

Show Notes:           

Sponsors: http://www.summitcitycomiccon.com, http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org,  our ongoing contest (Ragingcontest@gmail.com), senseiofwhatnot@gmail.com,  show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.

3:20 Arrow

41:15 Gift from Corey, Listener Voicemails, Teen Titans 0, Red Hood and the Outlaws 0

1:50:00 Batgirl 13, Batman 13

2:45:05 Show Closing : Hawkman by Wednesday Heroes http://wednesdayheroes.com/wordpress/

We’ll be back next week with our next episode.  Check Ragingbullets.com and the Facebook Group for regular updates.

The Podcast That Goes SNIKT!!


Episode 304 is here: Night of the Owls, New Deadwardians and Dominique Laveau Voodoo Child!

Episode 304: NIGHT OF THE OWLS!: This is a casual episode before we head back into a heavy exploration of the New 52. We focus on Batman #8 and discuss recent issues of BOP 8, Batgirl 8, Nightwing 8, Red Hood and the Outlaws 8 and Batwing 8 in a casual discussion on the prelude to Night of the Owls. We also chat about Dominique Laveau Voodoo Child #2 and New Deadwardians #1 with a quick tease to issue #2.

Check out the About Us section of the web site for contact info, Google + and Facebook links that are updated regularly.

Our Web Site: http://0nm.a46.mywebsitetransfer.com    Twitter: @RagingBullets

Show Notes:           

Sponsors: http://www.summitcitycomiccon.com, http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org,  our ongoing contest (Ragingcontest@gmail.com), senseiofwhatnot@gmail.com,  show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.

3:45 Night of the Owls Prelude

1:19:45 Dominique Laveau Voodoo Child

1:56:45 New Deadwardians

2:22:00 Show Closing : Hawkman by Wednesday Heroes http://wednesdayheroes.com/wordpress/

We’ll be back later this week with our next episode.  Check Ragingbullets.com and the forum for regular updates.

Episode 263: Batman: Gates of Gotham 1 and 2, Detective Comics 877 and Flashpoint Wonder Woman 1

Episode 263: Friend of the show Darrell Taylor stops by to discuss Batman: Gates of Gotham 1 and 2, Detective Comics 877 and Flashpoint Wonder Woman 1. We also continue to chat about DC’s upcoming relaunch.

Show Notes:

Sponsors: http://www.summitcitycomiccon.com, http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org,  our ongoing contest (Ragingcontest@gmail.com), senseiofwhatnot@gmail.com, http://www.nycomiccon.com, http://www.c2e2.com, http://www.summitcitycomiccon.com show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.

3:46 DC Relaunch chat

1:03:56 Batman: Gates of Gotham 1 and 2

1:51:58 Detective Comics 877 and Flashpoint Wonder Woman 1

2:58:32 Show Closing (Hawkman song by friends of the show “Wednesday Heroes”) http://wednesdayheroes.com/wordpress/

We’ll be back next week with our next episode.  Check Ragingbullets.com and the forum for regular updates.

Darrell Taylor




PKD Black Box


Batman and Detective creative teams revealed at the Source! UPDATED x 2!


I have to say this excites me. I loved Dick Grayson as Batman so losing that is a downer but the writers attached to both of these books have been terrific.

Scott Snyder’s Detective run has been spectacular. It has been edgy and not afraid to add some new gadgets and concepts to the Batman mythos. He’s added something fresh with the return of Jim Gordon’s son. His understanding and evolution of the relationship between the police and Batman has been one of my favorite elements. I am excited to see where he takes Bruce.

Tony Daniel really has impressed me with his growth as a writer on Batman. This really has been since the really cool Black Mask mystery. He hasn’t stopped delivering with the recent Sensei arc. I am glad he is sticking around.

My questions:

What does this mean for Dick Grayson, Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown? How will Batwoman fit into this?

I don’t think Bruce going back to Batman means that we lose Tim or Dick. Bryan Q. Miller has been amazing on Batgirl so I hope that character continues on. We’ll see. So far, the creative teams on the first two announcements have me excited.


Ok, it looks like Batman will retain most of the continuity with Damien staying as Robin! I am thrilled.


Ok, I have to say it. I am thrilled with the Barbara Gordon announcement because it keeps Gail Simone writing her!

Now I still wonder about Dick Grayson and Tim Drake. I am glad to see Damien. This is totally unexpected and I am curious to see how the revamps will be explained.

Judd Winnick on Catwoman sounds great. I will be curious to see how Birds of Prey plays out.

It looks like Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain are out. I am sad about this but I am a huge Batwoman and Barbara Gordon fan so will gladly read those two books.