Season 2 Episode 756 is here! Marvel Super Hero Secret Wars part 1 of 4

Sean and Jim are beginning a look at the original epic Secret Wars from 1984 issues 1-3 by Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck and Bob Layton.

We are on Threads!

Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here :

Upcoming: TBA

Future Topics : Batman Lonely Place of Dying, Miles Morales, Conan, Spectacular Spider-Man, Miracleman, The Boys, Radiant Black, Heartpiercer, Emperor Joker, Apamaverse Story, Turtles of Grayskull, next wave of Absolute DC titles and much much more because we are in constant planning.

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 9/23:

Facebook Group:

Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening,,,,, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

3:55 Secret Wars

1:50:50 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates.

Season 2 Episode 755 is here : The Bat-Man First Knight part 3 of 2:

Sean and Jim are wrap up a two part look at The Bat-Man First Knight, the Black Label series by Dan Jurgens and Mike Perkins.

Shout out to Eli Ganias

We are on Threads!

Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here :

Upcoming: Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars

Future Topics : Batman Lonely Place of Dying, Miles Morales, Conan, Spectacular Spider-Man, Miracleman, The Boys, Radiant Black, Heartpiercer, Emperor Joker, Apamaverse Story, Turtles of Grayskull and much much more because we are in constant planning.

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 9/23:

Facebook Group:

Show Notes: 

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org,http://www.DCBService.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

4:20 Bat-man First Knight

1:17:10 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates. 

Season 2 Episode 754 is here : The Bat-Man First Knight part 1 of 2

Sean and Jim are beginning a two part look at The Bat-Man First Knight, the Black Label series by Dan Jurgens and Mike Perkins.

We are on Threads!

Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here :

Upcoming: Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars

Future Topics : Batman Lonely Place of Dying, Miles Morales, Conan, Spectacular Spider-Man, Miracleman, The Boys, Radiant Black, Heartpiercer, Emperor Joker, Apamaverse Story, and much much more because we are in constant planning.

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 9/23:

Facebook Group:

Show Notes: 

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org,http://www.DCBService.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

2:50 Bat-man First Knight

1:28:45 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates. 

Season 2 Episode 753 is here! Void Rivals Part 2 of 2

Sean and Jim take a look the Energon Universe with Robert Kirkman’s series Void Rivals. The second part covers issues 4-6 of Volume 1.

Speeding Bullets: Action Comics 1081, Superman 21, Batman Dark Patterns 1, What If Mickey and His Friends Became the Fantastic Four, Aquaman 1, Black Canary Best of the Best 1 and 2, Challengers of the Unknown 1, Creature Commandos on Max, Fantastic Four, NYX 6 and Dazzler 4

GoFundMe Mentioned on the Show for Sean’s Cousin

We are on Threads!

Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here :

Upcoming: Bat-man First Knight

Future Topics : Batman Lonely Place of Dying, Miles Morales, Conan, Spectacular Spider-Man, Miracleman, The Boys, Radiant Black, Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars, Heartpiercer, Emperor Joker, Apamaverse Story, and much much more because we are in constant planning.

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 9/23:

Facebook Group:

Show Notes: 

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org,http://www.DCBService.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

3:03 Void Rivals Part 2

1:11:27 Speeding Bullets

1:31:25 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates. 

Please help if you can!

Thanks for your patience as we get back on schedule for this weekend’s new release. I have a favor to ask. My cousin, John Dwight and his family are dealing with the after effects of the Los Angeles wildfire. They literally lost everything. I grew up with Johnny and he has always been an amazing and kind person.

Jim and I do the podcast for free and always appreciate your support of the show. If you enjoy what we do and can consider donating any amount to try and help these amazing people. We would truly appreciate it. If you can’t donate at this time, please consider sharing this. Getting to word out is also incredibly helpful.

Please know you are appreciated!

Show update : Slight delay due to illness. Episodes Return Sunday!

Ok, I got a little ambitious and thought I could record this week. Unfortunately, I am still having coughing fits. I went to my primary care today and got on an antibiotic and a prescription cough medicine. Long story short, I am trying to get back into podcasting shape, lol.

Jim and I record Sunday mornings in most cases so I am going to delay until then to kick off our first 2025 recording and get us back on track. We have a lot of great content lined up for you in the coming year.

On a side note: Is It Jaws? Movie Reviews has new feeds on Spotify and iTunes. We have done this to make sure you have access to all of the episodes of the show. We are of course always available on Two True Freaks as well!

Next recording Monday or Tuesday : Tentative release by Wednesday

Hey Raging Bulleteers,

I’m currently fighting a viral infection which has me coughing a lot. I think I am at the tail end of it so Jim and I are planning our next recording. We are wrapping up Void Rivals and then jump into our next Batman story. Thanks for your patience.

If you are a film fan, Paul and I just released an episode covering the French Connection. You can find more details here!

Season 2 Episode 752 in here: Void Rivals Part 1 of 2

Sean and Jim take a look the Energon Universe with Robert Kirkman’s series Void Rivals. The first part covers issues 1-3 of Volume 1.

Speeding Bullets: The Superman Trailer, Superman and Lois Finale 

Listener Voicemail from Brett Harris on Dark Horse’s Heartpiercer

We are on Threads!

Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here :

Upcoming: Bat-man First Knight

Future Topics : Batman Lonely Place of Dying, Miles Morales, Conan, Spectacular Spider-Man, Miracleman, The Boys, Radiant Black, Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars, Heartpiercer, Emperor Joker and much much more because we are in constant planning.

Contact Info (Social Media and Gaming) Updated 9/23:

Facebook Group:

Show Notes: 

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org,http://www.DCBService.com, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype, and more.  

3:28 Speeding Bullets 

20:12 Void Rivals Part 1

1:13:21 Voicemail 

1:16:35 Closing

We’ll be back in a week with more content.  Check our website, Twitter and our Facebook group for regular updates.