All posts by DrNorge

Episode 198 Alpha is up: Detective Comics 862, David Baron and new contest

Episode 198 alpha: Sean is joined by very special guest David Baron, colorist on Detective Comics 862. We discuss his work with Jock, internet communities, and an exciting new contest.

Episode 200 will be the week of March 23.

Continue reading Episode 198 Alpha is up: Detective Comics 862, David Baron and new contest

Fabian Nicieza named regular Red Robin writer

I am thrilled by this news. I thought the run Fabian had to close out the Robin series really showed his understanding of what makes Tim Drake such a fantastic character. When he did an interview with us back then, he mentioned how he’d love to do a story that shows the hero Tim really is. I’ve loved what Chris Yost is doing and think this is the perfect choice to continue bringing the character back into the “light”. He’s been through a great deal and now we have him transitioning back to the character we have loved for so long.

I can’t wait to see what the next year brings for Tim Drake and his relationship with the Batman world. Will he remain Red Robin? What will he be like as Bruce’s return gets closer? What will his relationship with Dick be like now that so much of Gotham has changed? Will he be a part of team Batman or more of a free agent? I am just so excited that my head is running through so many possibilities. I am glad he has transitioned back into the character we know and love and it happened gradually. Fantastic news!

New show tomorrow night: Amazing Guest and a new contest!

Jim is sick with a flu bug but filling in for him was colorist and friend of the show, David Baron.  We discussed his work with Jock on Detective Comics 862 (amazing issue), blogs, comic creators, the internet community, and much much more. He is always a fantastic guest. This episode is a real treat.

We also tell you about an amazing contest for the next couple of weeks with prizes that can’t be beat. David was kind enough to offer a prize that has me jealous of the listener that gets to win this one.  Make sure you check out the episode  to get in on all of the excitement.

LITG: Cry for Justice, Nemesis: The Imposters, JSA All Stars, Adventure Comics

Life in the Gutter by Mandy Stegall

Yep, I’m still alive. Trust me, it was never my intention to stay away this long.  I’ll spare you the list of reasons, though.  It’s long and boring and involves pain killers, doctor visits, and fear of broken bones in my leg.

Gearing up for C2E2 in the next month or so, I’m going to attempt to be better at updating.  I don’t have the specifics down quite yet, but I AM going to be in Chicago for the blessed event, and I’m looking forward to hopefully meeting many of you.

Without further ado, let’s get on to the main event: the comics.

Justice League: Cry for Justice

I’m really torn on my feelings about this series.  First off, let me say that I think there were too many people involved.  I don’t think Congorilla and Mikaal really contributed to the story enough to justify their presence, and I felt like they were just…there.  I can’t say that I saw their presence as anything more than the blue guy making friends with the man trapped in the gorilla’s body.

Continue reading LITG: Cry for Justice, Nemesis: The Imposters, JSA All Stars, Adventure Comics

Geoff Johns talks the Flash on the Source and a quick shout out to Last Stand of New Krypton

I’ve shared earlier this week that I am drooling for a new Flash series. If you don’t read the Source regularly, you definitely need to be checking it out for great two part interviews such as this one with Geoff Johns. Plus you get to look at more of that great preview art.

As an additional note, I am hoping any Superman fans out there picked up this week’s Adventure Comics. There are some great moments explaining much of what has been going on with the Legion would have been in our time for the past couple of years.  It’s cool that this is something we’ve seen since the Meltzer JLA run. There is a greater sense of long term infiltration because they knew what was coming. I feel like I have been a part of their journey due to the sense of time passage. I am curious to see if the Legion’s involvement will be enough to completely hold off Brainiac and the plans of General Lane.