Monthly Archives: April 2010

Batman: Under the Red Hood Press Release and Trailer





Continue reading Batman: Under the Red Hood Press Release and Trailer


Episode 204b is up: Corrected C2E2 and Listener Voicemail material

Episode 204b: Note this is repaired and corrected material from the second half of episode 204. We have more coverage from C2E2 and listener voicemails from the show that cover the greatest DCU stories of all time.

Check out the Hawkman song from Wednesday Heroes at the end of the show.

Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening,,,,  our ongoing contest (,,, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.  

2:15 More from C2E2 Wednesday Heroes, Captain Action, How I Became a Super Villain

Continue reading Episode 204b is up: Corrected C2E2 and Listener Voicemail material

Episode 204a: Jamal Igle, (UPDATED AND CORRECTED)

Episode 204a: Jamal Igle is back with an indepth look at his work on Supergirl issues 50 and 51. We also have more coverage from C2E2 and listener voicemails from the show.

Check out the Hawkman song from Wednesday Heroes at the end of the show.

Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening,,,,  our ongoing contest (,,, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.  

5:00 Jamal Igle talks about his work on Supergirl 50 and 51

Continue reading Episode 204a: Jamal Igle, (UPDATED AND CORRECTED)

Final C2E2 thoughts and fun comics since then

Given the choice between attending a con in Rosemont or downtown Chicago, I choose downtown.  Outside the con itself, it was great to be in the heart of the city (which I love) and experience different opportunities after the show floor closed.  I also loved how calm the show felt considering it was the first year.  I don’t know what I was expecting, but I certainly expected to hear of more problems than I did.  Nothing against the people from Reed, but it was the first year for the show.  I wouldn’t have counted it against them, but instead they deserve many, many kudos for putting together a great show.  I have no doubt it will only get better.

I need to apologize to people who might have heard on episode 203 that I took pictures and video during some of the panels at the show.  I came home from Chicago with a virus on my computer and just got it back a couple days ago.  They’re coming soon.  I promise.

Recent comics

Booster Gold #31 was yet another issue of this book that made me happy that I decided to pick up the book about six months ago.  I’ve said before that I haven’t always been a fan of Booster (my first introduction to him was in 52), but I have really been enjoying his turn as a guardian of the time stream.  And let’s not forget the greatness that is his supporting cast.  He’s the least informed of the whole cast, and that requires a great deal of trust on his part.

I’m beyond excited to see how the Time Masters are going to factor into the Return of Bruce Wayne mini that’s coming up next month.  Sure, I think we can all make a logical leap and figure it out, but I have come to love the way they are factoring in to the history of the DCU.

Action Comics #888’s last page (of the main feature) was killer for me.  That image of Chris Kent finally feeling the Nightwing entity and breaking out of that pseudo-Phantom Zone-thingy to help Thara is absolutely haunting.  I honestly fear for the lives of Chris and Thara past War of the Supermen.  Hopefully, they will get the opportunity to serve as supporting characters in one of the Superman books in some capacity, especially now that they’re finally being fleshed out a good deal.

It’s hard to determine where they would be a good fit at this point, especially since we don’t know exactly what the status quo will be at the end of May in the Superman books.  Do they both survive?  Does only one survive?  Do they both die?  The book they fit in depends on the outcome.  But my vote is that they survive and the writers find a good storyline for Superman, Zod, and a grown up Chris Kent, mostly because I’m sure Zod is going to take exception to Chris wearing the crest of the House of El.

Quick words

Secret Six–one word: guh.

Batgirl– Quite possibly my favorite Bat-book right now.  My love for Stephanie Brown right now is great, mostly because of the way her maturation is being handled.

Supergirl– Time travel confuses me, but I’m determined to figure out the whole Brainiac 5/Supergirl thing.  But I’m still Super-excited (pun is totally intended) for May and the big War.

Justice League of America– Right now I have a great deal of confidence in James Robinson to make the JLA great.  To me, he’s taking characters we never would have thought of putting together and making us say, “why didn’t I think of that?”  And I know it’s very shallow of me, but I like the Mikaal Tomas Starman much better since he sprang for a haircut.

That’s all for now, but hopefully I’ll have some pictures and/or video from C2E2 this week, as long as more thoughts on the recent releases.

New Episode by Saturday! Jamal Igle

I’ve been catching up on some work this week after the C2E2 convention. Our next show will feature an indepth interview with Jamal Igle, more from C2E2 and some listener voicemails about greatest DCU stories of all time. We also have a special original song from Wednesday Heroes that will close out the show.

Following that will be 1 more C2E2 wrap up where we speculate on more interesting news from DC / Vertigo / Wildstorm and also chat some new comics.

Then we start releasing the already recorded kick off to JLA/Avengers.

We have some cool content planned.

Episode 203 : C2E2 Part 1

Episode 203: C2E2 Part 1: Straight from the convention, the first of our episodes looking at the news spinning out of DC Comics from the convention. We share with you the panels, news and events from the convention but also commentary and speculation on where these reveals may lead in the future.

Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening,,,,  our ongoing contest (,,, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.  

Also opening thoughts on the con.

6:26 DC Nation Panel Chat

Continue reading Episode 203 : C2E2 Part 1

LITG: Update from C2E2

Hey, all.  We’re at the end of the second day of C2E2 in Chicago, and so far the show has been great.  Personally, this is only the second con I’ve ever attended, the Wizard show last August in Chicago being the first.

I’ve been trying desperately not to act like a total fan girl this weekend.  Maybe I should just let it happen, but I want to be respectful to these people.  I won’t follow my favorite writer or artist into the restroom to get an autograph, and I certainly won’t hassle them with questions about my favorite characters as they try to grab a bite to eat at the pretzel stand.  Am I freaking out internally that I’m in the same room with some of my favorite people in comics?  Oh, definitely.

This weekend has also given me the chance to finally meet Sean and Jim in person.  I also met Ian from the Comic Timing podcast today.  I find it slightly hilarious (don’t ask why–I don’t know that I can explain it) that we all recognize each other by our voices.  I had absolutely no idea who this dude was until he started talking.  Then, it was “Hey, Ian.”

If you want to know what I thought about the Brightest Day panel, you’ll have to listen to the podcast.  But until then, here’s some of my highlights from the day, some of which I’m still trying to digest.

  • Franco (of Tiny Titans) colored a Superman in crayon for me today.  And then I found a Superman carrying Lois that he did that I had to have, so now I have some cool Superman art in crayon.  I honestly have no idea why that excites me so much, but it does.  I think they’re going to be framed and put in my classroom.
  • I told Gail Simone’s husband that I didn’t like him…many times.  I have no reason for doing this, honestly.  I really should be more careful and know who people are before I tell them I don’t like them.  (In my defense though, I think it was pretty clear that we were joking.)
  • I had a huge moment today when Jamal Igle told me he knew me through the podcast and my column.  Mr. Igle, I have thoroughly enjoyed your Supergirl and I wish you would stay on that book forever.  Can I request that?  You and Sterling Gates on Supergirl forever and ever?
  • Oh, and there might be the small, minor detail of getting Geoff Johns to autograph Flash #1 and Brightest Day #0 as well.

I’m sure I’ll have much more to talk about in the coming days.  But let me just pimp out my new campaign one more time:


That is all.