Tag Archives: Batgirl 9

Episode 307 is here: G.I. Combat #1,World’s Finest #, Batman #9, Batman and Robin #9 and Batgirl #9

Episode 307: A look at the Second Wave continues and more Night of the Owls: We continue our look at the new 52 with a chat about G.I. Combat #1 and World’s Finest #1. We also check back in on the current Batman crossover with Batman #9, Batman and Robin #9 and Batgirl #9.

Voicemails from friends of the show: Noob, Don, and Rob.

Check out the About Us section of the web site for contact info, Google + and Facebook links that are updated regularly.

Our Web Site: http://0nm.a46.mywebsitetransfer.com    Twitter: @RagingBullets

Show Notes:           

Sponsors: http://www.summitcitycomiccon.com, http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org,  our ongoing contest (Ragingcontest@gmail.com), senseiofwhatnot@gmail.com,  show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.

4:45 World’s Finest #1

52:30 G.I. Combat #1

1:24:20 Voicemails

1:59:25 Batman #9, Batman and Robin #9 and Batgirl #9

2:45:45 Show Closing : Hawkman by Wednesday Heroes http://wednesdayheroes.com/wordpress/

We’ll be back next week with our next episode.  Check Ragingbullets.com and the Facebook Group for regular updates.

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