Category Archives: The Bat Casebook

Bat Casebook — November 3rd Edition

The Bat Casebook by Jared Kardos

Guess who’s back
Back again
This crap’s back
Tell some men!

Or something like that.

Okay, so, without getting too personal up in here, the main reason why I haven’t done this in months is because of school. But, while that’s still an important thing, and it takes precedent, I know that I need to keep an active writing habit, and gushing and sometimes ranting about Batman comics is a perfect way to do so. Basically–I’ll try for weekly, and let’s see what happens, savvy?

So for the new people–this is the Bat Casebook, where I take the latest Batman comics that came out during the week, give small recaps, and then review them. Why should you listen to my opinions? Because I’m a snarky young adult on the Internet. And therefore Very Important. So enough of the explaining and the personal times, let’s get to the comics.

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Bat Casebook — June 16 Catch-Up Edition

Hello, and welcome to the Bat Casebook, where I review the Bat-Comics that came out during the week for you–usually. Right now I’m going to do something a little different, and do last week’s books. I didn’t do it last week, because the “big book,” Birds of Prey #2, was unavailable on my side of the Union. So I’m going to talk about that, go briefly on Azrael #9, and then talk about the Joker’s Asylum books that came out in the past two weeks, including the one from this week, Killer Croc. This will be a bit shorter, so I can also get this week in, so let’s dig in!

Birds of Prey #2

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Bat Casebook — May 12 Edition

Hello and welcome to the Bat Casebook–where I take the comics that are batman-related and review them for you, even though right now you’ve probably read them already. But you’ll read this anyway, for my opinion is Legion and needs to be HEARD. Stop laughing. Anyway–this week we review Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1, Birds of Prey #1, Batgirl #11, and Batman #699.

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Bat Casebook — May 5 Edition

Welcome to another installment of the Bat Casebook, where I take the bat-comics that came out during the week and review them for your viewing pleasure. Stop laughing. Anyway–this week we’re  reviewing Batman & Robin #12, Red Robin #12, and Batman Confidential #44.

"When I was your age, Damian, I had to wear scaly green panties!"

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Bat Casebook : Batman and Robin #9 and Gotham City Sirens #9

The Bat Casebook by Jared Kardos

Welcome to The Bat Casebook, where I take what Batman comics came out that week and review them for you. Let’s get started, shall we?

Writer: Grant Morrison
Artist: Cameron Stewart
Cover Artist: Frank Quitely and Cameron Stewart

It’s kinda odd that this column’s accidentally became bi-weekly coinciding with this title. Coincidence, of course, but it is a book that’s really got me hyped for the bat-verse in general, and is just full of excitement.

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