Tag Archives: T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents

Direct Currents 2.0 Week of July 17th, 2013


Direct Current 2.0

Week of July 17, 2013

Where the new guy introduces himself and Bewares’ the Batman!

Welcome one and all to the first of what I hope to be many weekly columns focusing on the DC Universe. My thanks go to Sean and Jim for letting me use a little corner of the internet to ruminate on DC Comics, its past, it’s present and what I hope will be its future.  Before we start that however let me fill you in a little about who I am and how I got here.

My name, like the great Sensi is also Jim. I am 49 this year and live in Maine with my great wife Clarissa, two wonderful children and two grandchildren, along with 2 semi psychotic dogs.

I started collecting comics back in the early seventies and had a pretty good collection going by the time I went to college back in 1981. Then like many collectors I know, disaster struck, and my collection was destroyed by a huge force of nature, my mother. I am sure many of you can relate to the fact that parents have more destructive power when it comes to collections then the Joker and Lex Luthor combined! A small part of the collection survived and I built that back up until I had over 30,000 individual issues at the beginning of this year. But that’s another story, one that I hope to get into in the next few weeks as I want to discuss take the rise of digital comics and the comparative disaster that is the back issue market place.

During the 90’s and up until 2009 I was a frequent customer at numerous comic shops in New England and began to discover that I was a fairly unique comic fan. While I did collect comics from other companies (Marvel, Dynamite, Charton, First, to name a few) I was a DC Fan. Marvel fans then, as well as now, were a huge part of comics fandom, DC fans were not as prevalent.

I took it upon myself to evangelize for DC Comics. In the early part of the 21st century I was given the opportunity to work for the website Toonzone (http://www.toonzone.com) as a forum administrator in their comics’ forum. I began to review comics, or perhaps over review them! In some instances my reviews went to almost 17 pages. That was a lot of work, but I loved it. Every single review I did was of a DC Comic. I started talking about DC Direct as well.

After 2 years at Toonezone I moved over to a new site, Comics News International, which no longer exists as far as I can tell. I was there for the launch as the General Editor and Chief reporter.  I lasted there about 6 months when I realized that I was spending more time working with them, and less with my family. Continue reading Direct Currents 2.0 Week of July 17th, 2013

Episode 251 is up: Brightest Day 23, Detective Comics 875 (Teaser to 876),Xombie 1, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents 5, Superboy 5 and Superman 709

Episode 251: This episode we talk about Brightest Day 23, Detective Comics 875 (with a special tease to 876), Xombie 1, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents 5, Superboy 5 and Superman 709. We also share some contest entries and listener voicemails!

Remember our 5 year anniversary contest! Celebrate with us! Submissions can be sent to ragingbullets@gmail.com

Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com,  our ongoing contest (Ragingcontest@gmail.com), senseiofwhatnot@gmail.com, http://www.geturgeekonradio.com, http://www.comiccollectorlive.com , http://www.nycomiccon.com, http://www.c2e2.com, http://www.summitcitycomiccon.com show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.  

4:25 Brightest Day 23, Detective Comics 875 (with a special tease to 876)

58:20 Contest Entries

1:03:10 Xombie 1, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents 5

1:32:55 Voicemails

1:52:50 Superboy 5 and Superman 709

2:18:17 Voicemails

2:53:12 Show Closing (Hawkman song by friends of the show “Wednesday Heroes”) http://wednesdayheroes.com/wordpress/

We’ll be back next week with our next episode.  Check Ragingbullets.com and the forum for regular updates.

Donny Salvo




Leroy Rivera


244 is here! Generation Lost, Flash, Birds of Prey, Superman, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, Brightest Day and more!

Episode 244: Comics, Comics, Comics! This episode is all about comics as we chat Brightest Day 19, Superman 708 (with a quick chat on Smallville possibly having Connor), Flash 9, Birds of Prey 9, Justice League Generation Lost 19, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents 4, and some commentary on some recently announce comic cancellations.

Note: We also have a shout out to Whitney Matheson’s cool article on Comic Podcasts and friend of the show Darrell Taylor sends us a voicemail.

Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com,  our ongoing contest (Ragingcontest@gmail.com), senseiofwhatnot@gmail.com, http://www.geturgeekonradio.com, http://www.comiccollectorlive.com , http://www.nycomiccon.com show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.  

4:35 Brightest Day 19, Superman 708 (with a quick chat on Smallville possibly having Connor)

44:17 Flash 9, Birds of Prey 9

1:26:30 Voicemail and USA Today shout out

1:33:55 Justice League Generation Lost 19, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents 4

1:46:45 Closing chats about cancelled comics, contest entries and a poll about apps

Show Closing (Hawkman song by friends of the show “Wednesday Heroes”) http://wednesdayheroes.com/wordpress/

We’ll be back next week with our next episode.  Check Ragingbullets.com and the forum for regular updates.

USA Today Article


Episode 232 is up!!! Casual Comic Chat and final NYCC content

Episode 232: Casual Comic Chat !!!:  We’re taking a look at many books across the DCU this show. This includes the books listed below. We also have our final installment of content from NYCC.

Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening, http://www.heroinitiative.org, http://www.DCBService.com, http://www.Instocktrades.com,  our ongoing contest (Ragingcontest@gmail.com), senseiofwhatnot@gmail.com, http://www.geturgeekonradio.com, http://www.comiccollectorlive.com , http://www.nycomiccon.com show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.  

5:20 Red Robin #17, Casual chat about the final parts of the Return of Bruce Wayne, We also discuss the upcoming changes to Superman and Wonder Woman.

38:11THUNDER Agents #1, Freedom Fighter #3, Casual chat about some of the DC 75th Anniversary books that have been released recently and why you really need to grab the Levitz book.

1:14:39 Justice League Generation Lost 13 and Welcome to Tranquility 5

1:45:23 NYCC Content from Nathan

2:16:19 NYCC content with Sensei as a host with Rob and Juan

2:32:19 Listener email on Batman

2:42:00 Show Closing (Hawkman song by friends of the show “Wednesday Heroes”) http://wednesdayheroes.com/wordpress/

We’ll be back next week with our next episode.  Check Ragingbullets.com and the forum for regular updates.