All posts by DrNorge

Episode 203 : C2E2 Part 1

Episode 203: C2E2 Part 1: Straight from the convention, the first of our episodes looking at the news spinning out of DC Comics from the convention. We share with you the panels, news and events from the convention but also commentary and speculation on where these reveals may lead in the future.

Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening,,,,  our ongoing contest (,,, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.  

Also opening thoughts on the con.

6:26 DC Nation Panel Chat

Continue reading Episode 203 : C2E2 Part 1


When the news that Greg Rucka was leaving DC was announced, I was very sad. Greg is an extemely talented writer and I will miss his take on the DCU characters. I was also very worried for Batwoman. This character has been very well developed and it would be a shame to have her moment lost. I am thrilled that J.H. Williams will be taking over the book with a cowriter.

Batwoman is a fresh and exciting character with her own spin on the Batman world. I couldn’t be happier that plans of an ongoing are still in place.

Episode 202: Blackest Night Wrap Up w/ Brightest Day Speculation

Episode 202: Blackest Night Wrap Up: Myron Rumsey of the Blog of OA joins us as we talk about the epic ending to this series. What are we most excited about in the future? What did our listeners think? How did this event stack up and why?

Show Notes:

0:00 Show opening,,,,  our ongoing contest (,,, show voicemail line 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype,and more.  

4:05 Blackest Night # 8, some Flash Secret Files (very brief) and Brightest Day Speculation

1:29:20 Listener emails and voicemails about Blackest Night

2:06:05 Show Closing

We’ll be back in a few days our next episode.  Check and the forum for regular updates.

Continue reading Episode 202: Blackest Night Wrap Up w/ Brightest Day Speculation

Paul Cornell on Action Comics and why this could be great.

Paul Cornell on Action. Wow, I did not see that coming. I’ve mentioned on the show for quite some time that besides my love for comics, I am a huge Dr. Who fan. Paul is the creator of Bernice Summerfield who was first a companion to Dr. Who in the Virgin New Adventures novels. These books were just fantastic and gave fans Dr. Who that was compelling when there was no series to follow. Paul’s growth as a novelist throughout that series was so fun to follow. His work at Marvel has been pretty darn good, with Wisdom being a favorite of mine.

Now I get the chance to see him take on Superman.  He was one of a series of creative writers who pushed the envelope of Dr. Who in novels and I look forward to see him play around with Clark’s world. I think the key to his Dr. Who books was that he really understood the core values of the character. As comic fans, we want a writer who knows that is an important step to keeping us on board.   I really think this could wind up being a great run.

202 up tomorrow night: Major recordings today and big week coming

We have some very cool recording opportunities this weekend so I am releasing a new show on Monday. (Very slim chance on this evening if our recordings end early enough but Monday night is for sure.)

We are interviewing artist Jamal Igle on his recent Supergirl work.

Our Blackest Night wrap up will be recorded as well.

We also have JLA/Avengers part 1 recorded and will be recording part 2 next week.

There are big plans for C2E2 (April 16-18) with lots of comic chat, interviews, a review of the film Hero Tomorrow and much much more.

I’ll be posting more concrete details as we finish recording and editing gets moving.


P.S. If you don’t own Hero Tomorrow, it’s a fantastic indie film. I will be posting more details this week but check out the web site.

Batman and Robin cover process @ the Source

I am not an artist but adore seeing to various stages at creating comic book art work. The amount of care and detail that goes into each step is amazing to me. The cover work of Batman and Robin has been showcased in a series of posts this week over at DC’s Source Blog. I am loving that they are doing this so wanted to draw your attention there.

The other cool part of this series is that it is Showcasing the inspiration from Batman’s past that these covers are drawing from. Just fantastic.

Batman and Robin Preview

This is exactly what I think is so great about the Batman books at the moment. High adventure with deep mysteries at the core that have been built over time. Why is Batman the world’s greatest detective? His world needs him to be that way. His world has put him in a position where that skill set is needed. I love that. The road to RIP with filled with this and I am glad to see that all of that matters and is part of a carefully laid out plan. It makes me more excited and invested in my monthly reading. That is so satisfying.

Episode 201 is finally here: Shield #7, interview with Art Lyon, Contest winners announced and more.

Episode 201: We are joined by friend of the show and colorist Art Lyon as he discusses his work on the Shield #7.  We also briefly discuss Batman Widening Gyre and comic films.

Also, we have some listener voicemails and emails to celebrate 200 shows and the greatest DC stories of all time.

We also announce the winners of our “call in as your favorite hero contest”

Show Notes:

Continue reading Episode 201 is finally here: Shield #7, interview with Art Lyon, Contest winners announced and more.