I’ve been juggling visiting with family and friends over this weekend, plus my wife is on spring break. Episode 201 is about halfway done. Both 201 and 202 feature guests and I like to edit those a bit more diligently to make sure they sound fantastic. I feel they deserve that for giving us so much time. My goal is to try my best to have 201 up tomorrow night. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks so much for the patience on the holiday weekend. These are very fun recordings and I want them to be perfect.
201 will also have the official announcement of contest prize winners. If you entered the contest, email me at ragingbullets@gmail.com with your name and address. All entries for this contest will be winning a prize. We will announce the grand prize (David Baron’s great comic boxes) and 1st runner up (trade of choice from instock trades) on this episode. The rest will get to choose from our show prize box.