Category Archives: Biting the Bullet
FlashPoint #1 is here: Your thoughts?
Where’s Whatnot Now Section Updated! Mike Sims is back again!
Superman’s Citizenship poll. How do you feel?
FlashPoint Character Poll
Man of Steel Coming Together!
Wow! This Superman film is really coming together with acting talent. I am thrilled with each announcement because it seems like forever since Superman has been on the big screen. I am glad they are giving this character a fresh start. I think the reason why the Donner films are so beloved is because they stood on their own and defined an era for Superman. For this new film to gain that kind of love, it needs to do the same thing. I am excited at the possibilities.
DC Eisner Nominations
I always get excited to see the Eisner nominations each year. It’s not just for DC but across all comics. I truly believe the comic medium has some of the best talent going right now. The diverse creativity in comic product nowadays is a testament to this. Congrats to all of the great creators from DC nominated and to anyone across comics who was nominated. It’s terrific that awards are handed out to honor the hard work and skills of this wonderful industry.
Amy Adams is Lois Lane/ Booster Gold and Blue Beetle First Screen Shot / Geoff Johns on Aquaman/ Wonder Woman in action.
I am sure at this point most of you have seen this but I am super excited for Amy Adams as Lois Lane. If you haven’t seen the film “the Fighter”, I urge you to check it out to see what a terrific actress she is. She has a strength in that role that is incredibly convincing but also a likability that fits the role of Lois Lane. This is another casting announcement that has me convinced the Superman film is in great hands. If the script matches the casting, we could be in for something special.
The link above has a screen shot of Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. I think these look like these are some of the best “Smallvillized” DC characters yet. I am not suprised by how good Blue Beetle looks. We saw that test footage months ago and this is a DC character that was made for the screen. Booster Gold’s costume is really awesome. I wasn’t sure what route they would go but he looks like a character from the future. It’s a very clean look. Geoff Johns has been batting high on his Smallville scripts so I am really looking forward to this.
Yes! Yes! Yes! I adore Aquaman! I think his return to DC has been really well done and I am glad that Geoff Johns will be kicking this off. There is a great deal of interesting things that can be done with Aquaman. I would love to see where he plans to take the character and his supporting cast. Aquaman works the best when you really have a chance to show how his unique nature brings something different to the DCU. I have high hopes this will be up there with some of the classic Aquaman uns.
Wonder Woman’s costume has been adjusted for the TV pilot. I have to say I like the darker tones a little better. I definitely want to see this in motion but it’s definitely a step in the right direction. It has a feel of the “classic” look while bringing some cool elements of the new version currently in comics. I think the story presented will ultimately be the selling point to me on whether or not this works. I am glad they made a few changes to the costume though.
DC Nation on Cartoon Network
This has the potential to be a good thing. I am hoping that it will be used to promote and share information about the print medium as well. A block of programming woulf give them a chance to talk about comics that inspired or spin out of certain programming, while supporting video game and direct to dvd franchises as well.
Currently, I am loving Smallville, Batman Brave and the Bold, Young Justice, and Human Target. I think it is great to see some really cool DC related programming. I want to see expansions of this with the emphasis on quality.
Video games like Arkham Asylum and DC Universe Online have been great opportunities to get immersed into the comic book world. I know there was mention of a Suicide Squad, Green Lantern, and Arkham City set of games. Again, the focus needs to be on quality that truly represents the properties. I do believe if you get people excited about the properties, it will bleed over into comics. I know it might not be immediate but some very good friends of mine have recently been pulled into comics from many of the franchises on television, film and gaming.
It almost goes without saying that this announcement has me excited. It could be a very good experience for linking a variety of fans together and expanding brand awareness, if handled correctly.
Batman Arkham City
I loved the first Batman Arkham Asylum game. It felt like you were really Batman on a case. You not only got to use all of his cool gadgets but you had a chance to use the stealthy combat skills as well. You had the chance to develop a strategy for each situation.
This new trailer for Arkham City shows some very cool footage and how the sequel looks to improve upon the rest. Check it out and post your thoughts.