Sorry for the lack of updates, we wanted to post once we had a clear timeline. We are finally past health issues and starting to prepare content for you. Our show’s anniversary is this weekend so we are both excited to prepare content to end our unexpected hiatus. It’s a great time to be a comic fan. Thanks for your patience.
We are recording a couple of times over the next few days to prepare an episode for Sunday release at the latest. We are also recording the following show in the same time frame. We have quite a bit of content spread over those two episodes.
Topics we are discussing: Nightwing, Milk Wars, Aquaman, Mera, Metal Spin off series (Sideways, Silencer), Justice League, Batman, Detective, Superman and much more via speeding bullets. We also plan to discuss recent DC animated releases such as Gotham by Gaslight and Lego Flash. Krypton will also be a topic. We will be shouting out the Staunch Ambition #3 Kickstarter in a special segment.