We are celebrating our 8 year show anniversary at the end of March. We would love to have you be a part of it. Jim and I are holding a special Raging Oscars Episode at the end of the month. We decided to have a little fun in limiting ourselves to a set of rules. We will have a set series of categories but are only able to respond to in in 52 words or less. At the end of each round, we will have a 52 second rebuttal.
In discussing the episode, we thought it would be a great chance to have some fun by letting interested listeners join in. We will be giving away 3 trade paperbacks of choice to winning listeners from instocktrades.com.
In order to participate, send in your entry by calling into our show voicemail line. You can make a category of your choice shouting out something of note from the past year of comics. It must me 52 words or less. (You have to play by the same limits we do.) Another option would be to call in with something related to the show over the last 8 years in 52 words or less. Every voicemail counts as an entry and winners will be pulled randomly.
Please include your name and email address in the phone call. An alternative is to record your entry and send it to us via email to ragingbullets@me.com with “Raging Oscars Contest” as the subject heading. Enter as many times as you would like between now and March 23. We will announce the winners on our anniversary episode.
RT @RagingBullets: 8 Year Anniversary Contest: Raging Oscars in 52!: We are celebrating our 8 year show anniversary at the end of Mar… ht…
RT @RagingBullets: Reminder: Ends March 23 at Midnight! 8 Year Anniversary Contest: Raging Oscars in 52!: http://t.co/lzs8RJRmSW
RT @RagingBullets: Reminder: Ends March 23 at Midnight! 8 Year Anniversary Contest: Raging Oscars in 52!: http://t.co/lzs8RJRmSW