We just finished our newest recording. It went later then I thought so I will need to finish tomorrow night! We talked Superman/Wonder Woman 1, Eart 2 16, Arrow, Games, NYCC news, voicemails and much more!
We just finished our newest recording. It went later then I thought so I will need to finish tomorrow night! We talked Superman/Wonder Woman 1, Eart 2 16, Arrow, Games, NYCC news, voicemails and much more!
RT @RagingBullets: Episode 367 recorded, editing has started and will be finished tomorrow!: We just finished our newest r… http://t.co/K…
RT @RagingBullets: Episode 367 recorded, editing has started and will be finished tomorrow!: We just finished our newest r… http://t.co/K…
Great podcast guys. Just wanted to ask, will you be covering Forever Evil Arkham War any time soon?
YES! I can’t wait to talk about it. It will be soon.
Awesome! Looking forward to it