We will be recording Thursday night on the Green Lantern Family of books through issue 26. Your voicemails are welcome. 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype!
We will be recording Thursday night on the Green Lantern Family of books through issue 26. Your voicemails are welcome. 1-440-388-4434 or drnorge on Skype!
@RagingBullets #greenlantern & @robertvenditti have been great. I can’t wait to see what you guys think about it.
RT @RagingBullets: Episode 377 will be a Green Lantern focused show and will be recorded Thursday Night.: We will be recording Thursd… ht…
@RagingBullets really enjoying this format were you choose a family of books to go in depth with loved the Forever: Evil talk